Shocks and Struts
Experts now recommend that you replace yours at 50,000 miles
Shocks and struts do more than cushion you on rough roads. They assist road control and ensure your safety. The Motorist Assurance Program (MAP) now recommends that you consider replacing your shocks
and struts at 50,000 miles.
What They Do
- Keep your tires in contact with the road
- Shorten your braking distance
- Control spring and suspension movement
- Reduce vehicle bounce, sway and roll
- Maintain wheel alignment and promote even tire wear
The Bottom Line
- A safer ride
- A smoother ride
- Longer tire life
Your Ride Control Pros
See the expert technicians at Tolker Auto Service for shocks and struts:
- If your car or truck bounds, floats, sways, or nose dives, it’s time to visit the under car pros.
- We have a complete line of shock absorbers, coil springs and struts.
- Our ASE certified technicians give your vehicle a preventative maintenance assessment every time your visit. If they detect a leaky, bent or broken shock or strut, they’ll inform you in
- Schedule an appointment online for shock and strut repairs.