Need a Break on Brake Services?
Save big with our Brakes Forever® Program
Your safety depends on reliable brakes. Brake pads eventually wear down and need to be replaced, usually between 25,000 and 45,000 miles for cars, and 20,000 and 30,000 for trucks.
The Routine
- A good time to inspect your brakes is when the wheels are off for a tire rotation. We recommend that you rotate your tires and check your brakes at least every 5,000-7,500 miles. This coincides
with the oil change intervals for some vehicles. Consult your owner's manual and tire warranty for additional guidance.
- When your wheels are off for the tire rotation, it’s much easier for our technicians to inspect your vehicle’s brake pads and rotors.
- Our brake check includes a thorough examination of all brake system components, including the pedal, cylinders, lines, brake fluid, and calipers, and a thickness and condition evaluation of your
pads and rotors.
- It’s less expensive to replace brake pads than damaged rotors.
- These days, it usually costs less to replace rotors than to resurface or “turn” them.
- A low brake fluid level can indicate excessive brake pad wear. “Topping off” only covers up the problem.
Why It's Important
- Safety first. You can’t stop as quickly when your pads are worn or you have warped rotors.
- Sanity second. It’s more convenient to replace your brake pads during a maintenance visit, than when they start squealing because the wear indicator is scraping your rotor.
Your Brake Experts
- The technicians at Tolker Auto Service inspect your brakes for FREE and provide an estimate of any recommended maintenance or repairs.
- Schedule a Brake Service appointmenr online or give us a call. We're open five days a week.