Your car battery needs to be stronger than ever before to run all of the on-board electrical devices and accessories—computers, power steering, headlights, stereo, GPS, A/C—oh, yeah, and start your car.
The average car or truck battery will last at least five years. Replace yours before it’s too late! Symptoms of a weak battery include:
Difficult starts
Dim headlights or dash lights
Halting performance of electrical accessories
Come to the pros at Tolker Auto Service for a FREE battery & electrical system test. We use a modern analyzer to make sure your battery still holds an adequate charge. If not, we can help you select a replacement with the capacity to turn over your engine in cold weather and run all of your vehicle’s electrical gear.
When you buy a new battery, match the specifications in your owner’s manual with the specifications on the battery label, including:
Group size – battery case dimensions and placement of terminals.
Cold Cranking Amps (CCA) – ability to start your engine at 0 degrees. Select a battery that meets or exceeds the CCA number for your vehicle.
Reserve capacity (RC) – how long your car will run on battery power alone.
Freshness – check the date; don’t buy a battery more than six months old.